
2015年9月24日—...fasterthanFirefox39(2.6sec.and5.59sec).Operanamedthefastestbrowserina2015test.1.64sec!That'sprettyquick!Speedisone ...,,2015年7月17日—Accordingtothebenchmarkresults,MicrosoftEdgewas112%fasterthanGoogleChromeonWebKitSunspider,11%fasteronGoogleOctane,and37% ...,2015年1月23日—5BestBrowsersCompared:Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Safari,andInternetExplorer.,,2015年12月16日—Cominginsecondplac...

Opera is the fastest browser in a recent test

2015年9月24日 — ... faster than Firefox 39 (2.6 sec. and 5.59 sec). Opera named the fastest browser in a 2015 test. 1.64 sec! That's pretty quick! Speed is one ...

Microsoft Edge for Windows 10

2015年7月17日 — According to the benchmark results, Microsoft Edge was 112% faster than Google Chrome on WebKit Sunspider, 11% faster on Google Octane, and 37% ...

Best Browsers 2015

2015年1月23日 — 5 Best Browsers Compared: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

The Fastest Browsers For WebGL As Judged By Unity

2015年12月16日 — Coming in second place was Microsoft's new Edge browser on Windows 10, but Internet Explorer 11 was by far the slowest. Safari and Chrome ...

Microsoft Edge review

2015年7月29日 — Edge feels really lightweight and fast — and in some cases bare-bones — which is a refreshing change from IE. After IE, Microsoft has some work ...

What's the fastest web browser for the Mac?

2017年2月17日 — If you want the fastest browser then the browser you should be using on your Mac is Google Chrome. It won two of the benchmark speed tests. If ...